GAbove all Cpowers, DAbove all Gkings Above all Cnature, and Dall created thingsG Above all Emwisdom, and Dall the ways of Cman G AmYou were here, beCfore the world beDgan G
GAbove all Ckingdoms, DAbove all Gthrones Above all Cwonders, the Dworld has ever Gknown Above all Emwealth, and Dtreasures of the CearGth AmThere’s no way to Cmeasure what You’re B7worBth
GCruciAmfied, Dlaid behind the Gstone GYou lived to Amdie, reDjected and Galone Like a Emrose, Dtrampled on the CgrouGnd You took the Amfall, Emand thought of Cme D Above Gall