AI hear the voice deep in my heEart I feel the wind upon the F#msea A mighty F#m/Etempest that is Dcoming Raging against the Ashore
AI turn away but I can't hEide I close my eDdim7yes but I can sF#mee There is no hF#m/Eiding place to rDun away From the presence of the LAordE D
So arAise and sing, call oEut to our God. He's aF#mlive, JF#m/Eesus is alDive.EsusE Far bAeyond my sin, He can tEouch my heart And delF#miver me, Dand delEsusiver meE...
Surprised by grAaceE Ohromen miloF#m Dstí Überrascht von GnAadeE Sorprendido por la GF#mracia de DiDos Surpreendido pela GrAaçaE ... that came from GAod
AI now surrender to YouEr will I give my life, give all I aF#mm So you can tF#m/Eurn my heart of sDtone Into a brand new heart of flAesh.
AI call your name throughout the cErowd, You make me nDdim7ew when I cry out Filling my lF#m/Eife with hope and jDoy A thousand reasons to praise Your nAame...E Your holy nDame.
So arAise and sing, call oEut to our God. He's aF#mlive, JF#m/Eesus is alDive.EsusE Far bAeyond my sin, He can tEouch my heart And delF#miver me, Dand delEsusiver meE...
Surprised by grAaceE Iznenadan ot BlagoF#mdat(ta)D Surprins de HAarE Sorpresi dalla GF#mrazia di DDio Surpris par la GArâceE ... that came from GDod
So arAise and sing, call oEut to our God. He's aF#mlive, JF#m/Eesus is alDive.EsusE Far bAeyond my sin, He can tEouch my heart And delDiver me... JEsusesus is alAive.